Ogilvie Geomatics

Ogilvie Geomatics

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Lets promote information that can be provided by the Geomatics industry as a foundation for a BIM model as well as-built models of existing structures.

As an industry we seem to be focussed and promoting what we can provide in terms of as built-models of existing structures from laser scanning data. I have no argument with this but also feel that we should putting just as much effort into promoting what we can provide in terms of information about land and existing infrastructure that will provide a platform upon which a BIM model of a new structure will be based. Whether this is from data acquired using traditional topographical techniques, laser scanning or the numerous other methods available these days – we should be emphasising that this surely is of vital importance and if the information provided is not correct than it would affect everything else. I would be interested to hear other views on this.

Monday, 14 October 2013

RICS client guides from the Geomatics faculty - Online

The RICS Geomatics faculty have once again update their client guides.
I find these guides a useful resource to occasionally refer to myself and recommend that my team read them as well - many of whom are currently undertaking the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) or are going through the Approved Development Scheme with the CICES.
They are a great resource for clients or anyone who wants to understand Geomatics to a greater extent.  They try to explain in plain English the sometimes complex, opaque world of geomatics and surveying to a non-surveyor audience.
Professionals such as engineers, architects, developers and planners will find them invaluable and the guides can also act as an aid memoire for professional and technical members of RICS.
The guides are also useful for helping clients and potential clients better understand the nuances of subjects such as map projection scale factor, scale, calibration and accuracy amongst others. In many cases it may also be appropriate to include a guide within a tender application or to be sent directly to prospective clients. RICS members are encouraged to actively use these guides.
Guides include:

  • Terrestrial Laser Scanning

  • Map Projection Scale Factor

Avoid the Potential Dangers of Scale Factor

  • Scale

Avoid Tripping up Over Step Changes in Scale

  • Reassuringly Accurate

Controlling Accuracy for Better Results

  • Marine, Offshore and Coastal

An RICS Perspective

  • Virtually Level

Transition from familiar benchmark to heighting using GPS

  • Applications of Aerial Photography and Digital Imagery

Check them out and download them from the following link:

Friday, 7 June 2013

Newcastle Uni GIS and Surveying & Mapping Degrees - video

Newcastle University have just launched a new video to promote their Surveying and Mapping degrees. 

I had a great experience at Newcastle University and would recommend it.  I know Glasgow also do a similar course which many of our team at Loy's went on.

Check it out at the following link:


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Great New Videos from Leica explain Laser Scanning

At Loy Surveys we have been carrying out laser scanning surveys for a number of years for the purposes of 3D modelling, monitoring, measured building surveys and BIM related  services.  

Leica have now produced some informative videos for anyone new to laser scanning or wanting to find out more about the technology.

Screen shot form the tutorial:

They have produced nine video tutorials. Three videos cover laser scanning - 'The basics', 'How it all works' and 'Simple and Complex projects', and six are related to Cyclone 8 including, GeoTags, Scripting and Enhanced Project Importer.  

Check them out at the following link:

Leica HDS Tutorials 

Additionally check out our Loy Surveys laser scanning web page at:
